Sensory Chemical Analysis of Flavours course
Training Content
The objective of the Sensory Chemical Analysis of Flavours course is to provide participants with most pertinent tools and show them step by step the essential parts of the procedure for aroma analysis. In addition, it will strengthen their analytical skills through learning practical methods in:
- Aroma isolation technics
- Key odorants, aroma profile and their sensory properties
- Elucidation and characterization of aroma and their structures
- Identification of off-flavours and aroma defect
- Learn how to perform flavours recombination and simulation
- Many important aspects and new approaches in analysis
The 6 modules are as follows:
- Volatiles Isolation & Extraction techniques
- Aroma Screening: AEDA (Aroma Extract Dilution Analysis)
- Aroma Identification : Odor, RI
- Quantification : Isotopic Dilution Analysis (Assays)
- Odor Activity Value
- Odor recognition and building a sensory panel